Legal information

  1.      Presentation of the website

In accordance with article 6 of law n° 2004-575 of the 21st of June 2004 concerning numeric economic confidence, the users of the website – COPEMAN Wayne (hereafter mentioned as TBF)– « » are informed of the different persons that intervene on the website :
- Owner : COPEMAN Wayne – Siret 451 957 344 – Breteix, 87140 VAULRY
- Creator : COPEMAN Chelsea
- Publications manager : COPEMAN Wayne –
- Webmaster : COPEMAN Chelsea –

  1.      General terms of the website and offered services

The use of the website implicates acceptation of all terms and conditions

The conditions can be modified or updated at any time, the users are therefore invited to check them regularly

The website is accessible at all times and for all users. An interruption for a technical maintenance or updates can be decided by TBF, who will inform the users in advance.

The website is regularly updated by TBF.

In the same way all legal information can be modified at any given time: it is up to the user to check regularly for any modifications that may concern them.

TBF reserves the right to alter prices up or down without prior notification being given.

  1.      Description of offered services

TBF will do its best to give as much precise information about the items sold as possible. However, he cannot be held responsible for any faults or omissions be they on their behalf or that of the supplier.

  1.      Contractual limitations on technical data

The website uses Javascript technology.
The website cannot be held responsible for any damaged caused to software. Customers are advised to use technology as up-to-date as possible, free of any viruses, etc.

  1.      Intellectual property and forgery

TBF is the owner of all rights and intellectual property, and has the right of use of all elements visible on, including texts, images, logos, photos, icons, sounds, and software. However, this list is non exhaustive.

Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of any elements of the website is strictly forbidden, other than with written consent from TBF.

Any unauthorised exploitation of the website or its elements in any form will be considered as hacking and the perpetrators risk legal pursuit conform with articles L.335-2 and the Code of Intellectual Property.

  1.      Responsablity

TBF cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused to the user’s materials when accessing the website, whether it be an item mentioned in Paragraph 4, or a glitch or incompatibility.

Interactive spaces (contact forms) are available on the website and are at the users disposition.

TBF has the right to delete, without notice, any information that is contradictory to French Law, particularly concerning Data Protection.

TBF has the write to take civil / legal action against any user in the case messages/content containing racist, defamatory, abusive or pornographic mentions, in written or photographic form.

  1.      Personal Data

In France, personal data is protected by the law 78-87 of January the 6th 1978, law n°2004-801 of August the 6th 2004, and article L.226-13 of the Code Penal et la Directive Européenne from October 24th 1995.

Whilst navigating on the website the URL links through which the user joined the website and the user’s IP address may be collected.

Any personal data is collected purely for delivery/ contact information.

The users give the information themselves. They are informed if the information is mandatory or not.

None of the personal data collected is published, exchanged, transferred, given or sold to any third parties.

Only the eventual sale of would result in the transfer of any personal data.

  1.      Hypertexte and cookies

The website contains various hypertext links to other webpages, in agreement with TBF. However, we cannot be held responsible for any content on websites to which the items are linked.

Navigation on the website may install cookies on the user’s computer. A cookie is a small document, that does not identify the user but records their navigation history on the website

Refusing cookies may result in navigation difficulties. The user can however choose to refuse cookie installations via the settings on their computer. 

  1.      Applicable law and jurisdiction

Any litigation with the website is to be resolved under French law.

Main laws

Law n°78-87 of January the 6th 1978, modified by law n°2004-801 of August the 6th 2004 for computing and document freedom.
Law n°2004-575 of June the 21st 2004 for numeric economic confidence.


User: Person connected to and using the mentioned website
Personal data: Information allowing identification, in any form, of the physical person that it concerns (name, address, telephone numbers