1: joint ref TBA-80145
2: shut off lever ref TBQ-62522
3: pump seal TBQ-62528
4: throttle lever ref TBA-8184
5: ajustement screw ref TBQ-62520
6: control housing ref TBQ-62546
7: control housing gasket ref TBQ-62521
8: small bleed screw ref TBB-7045751
9: Nylon pump filter ref TB-70/4416-1
10: large bleed screw ref TBQ-7123352B
11: end plate assembly ref TBQ-62526
12: pump cover plate ref TB-62525
13: cover plate gasket ref TBQ-62524
14: pump seal cable
15: cav oil seal ref TB-41487
16: transfert pump blades ref TB-44020
17: Stud ref TB-B69223
18: Top cover stud and nut ref TB-28368782
19: Housing gasket with washers ref TBQ-55070
20: Top joint kit with studs & nuts ref ref TB-kitcavtop
21: cav joint kit ref TB-57135
22: short cav spring ref TBQ-61324
23: tension spring ref TB-11101
24 :long cav spring ref TBQ-61315